Thursday, July 9, 2009

Healthcare concerns

The Obama health care plan: what it means for mental health care of older adults.

The article outlines the impacts that Obama and Biden healthcare care plan would have on mental health care of older adults. According to the article, most people over the age of 65 believe that the healthcare will improve under Obama (Sorrell 2009). President Obama proposed a National Health Coverage plan that focuses on the following areas. First, the plan aims to make healthcare affordable and accessible to all Americans. The plan would build on current healthcare system, but leaving Medicare intact and creating competitive options between private companies and public health plans. The plan would “lower health care costs by investing in health information technology, prevention, and care coordination (Sorrell 2009). Drug costs would decrease by importing from other countries, increasing the use of generic drugs, and preventing drug companies manipulating the sale of less expensive medications. Finally, Obama plan would promote public health through preventive services such as cancer screening, and increase state and local preparedness for disasters. In addition, the plan proposes to expand nurse-family relationship, which can help in early detection and treatments of mental disorders. The plan aims to keep Social Security and Medicare programs, but plan to cover all essential medical services including mental health care. In addition, President Obama seeks to increase more volunteer opportunities for older adults such as senior corps and offering financial for their participation in public service.


Sorrell, J. (2009). The Obama health care plan: what it means for mental health care of older adults. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 47(1), 21-23. Retrieved June 1, 2009, from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.


  1. Many Americans are dying day after day due to not having health care insurance. I also believe the plan might work a little but not a lot

  2. every body should concern about health at all time. very helpfull.
